Lourdes Ciccone, Madonna's daughter who's just 13 years old is becoming a real fashion queen. And now she started her own blog to promote her clothing line "Material Girl" which she created with her mother. The clothes are not too expensive and fashionable. I like her blog because she also writes about her daily life and her interests and thoughts. Here's the link for her blog. What do you think about it?
she reminds me of the fact i've spent 2 years studying at college to make dresses and will have another 4 years to go before I graduate. shes just madonnas daughter and will have just to tick the designs (who someone else designed) she likes for her 'collection', she should be getting drunk on the street and smashing windows like all the other 13 year old kids!
RépondreSupprimerI know this sounds like a rant but I hate people who get things on a plate e.g peaches no talent geldof. least the olsens went to fashion college!
Love Rosie
she is so young! makes me feel ancient! haha