mercredi 17 novembre 2010

I wish it was Christmas already

 A few days ago I've been reading GossipGirl-again. (I have four books that I have already read several times :P) So I feel very gossipgirlish right now and I also I feel like Christmas already. And when you mix it all together it's Blair in dress I'd wear for Christmas! I don't know from what episode that dress is, I've only seen the first two seasons. Underneath you can see my interpretation of the look- Louboutin shoes and an Elizabeth and James skirt.

 I'm at school for the moment writing on a computer in the library. We have a free lessons and as I already came two hours late today I've had only 2 lessons so far. And I'm dying of hunger..
I hope to update more often my blog from now on and finally make an outfit post again! Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my sister so I might show you the new clothes I'll get.

This is another dress that I think would be nice for Christmas ( see the matching colours? Christmas tree&dress) OMG sooo looking forward to it! I love buying presents for every one and making cookies and when the Kleeschen is coming etc ; )

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